Monday, August 2, 2010

Just for fun....

I decided to give this a whirl.  What made me think of it is the piddling around I have been doing this summer getting stuff together for my daughter's first apartment.  The place is a plain jane little apartment, and A and her roommate want to make it a cozy nest.  My friend Mary in Holland would say it needs to be "gezellig". The only Dutch word she has taught me so far, which essentially means warm and welcoming.

But I also wanted to give voice to other issues of interest.  Stuff that is happening in politics and the world, stuff that is happening in my backyard, so to speak, stuff that is just fun.  I guess, like all of us, we seek community especially in places where fences are firmly in place.  

My first obstacle is to figure out how to upload (download?) photos. I thought it would be fun to start with a neutral topic, like this little gezellig-making project which unfortunately is happening in the absence of the apartment's occupant who is in NYC this summer and will be wheeling through town only long enough to join us for a little beach time and then its back to her first - hopefully cozy- apartment right on the edge of campus.  

Look for photos of some of my funky finds and the stuff I had made (not such a good sewer myself..) and then this weekend we head up and I will photograph plain jane..  


  1. You go girl! Know I'll enjoy reading your blog. Know You'll have fun with the apartment (except for the pre-cleaning - not my favorite part when S moved into hers in May...)! I use Picasa to upload pics to my blog. Can't wait to see what you post next! Bon chance & happy decorating! Gin

  2. Thanks so much for the vote of confidence!

  3. Hi "Ellie," though I know you only as Ellan- but I'm so excited that you started a blog. I've often wanted to do that, but only anonymously, as I'd mostly likely use it as a place to incessantly vent and gripe. ;)

    I'm also looking forward to reading your blog, because most of the people ("artists") I know who have blogs mainly use them to advertise and brag ad infinitum about themselves and all their accomplishments, which gets oh so draining and annoying after a while-- and, you know-- just makes me feel bad.

    So, looking forward to this one!

    Since I know you could have a whole other career as an interior designer, I'm sure the "plain jane" apt will have lots of "gezellig" by the time you're done. (That is a noun, right?)


  4. Thanks Diana!! Yay! And yes, I plan to do some griping and complaining too. But right now i am having fun with the apartment stuff. Ellie is a nickname from my childhood, and a lot of the peeps who have known me the longest in Raleigh call me Ellie. So, now I am going to see if I can post some photos from my iphoto that I took today. My house is starting to look like a thrift store..

  5. This is just fantastic, how you managed this! Terrific initiative and super clever of you ! Now I just need to figure out how to become a member... duhhhh
    Maybe Mary
    ps Gezellig is the only word you need to know

  6. Mary!! You need to figure it out! I neeeeed followers. I am so pathetic. And yes, just one word per year is good.
