Monday, August 2, 2010

The apartment..

Back to the apartment, thought I would share the first building block, a humongous red "pleather" or something sectional sofa from Rooms to Go, purchased on the cheap as a floor model and the last red one left, apparently.  Why red?  I guess because they can. The girls have no other commitments to furniture or color scheme, so when you are young, why not be exuberant?   So red it is.  They are not sure they will be able to use all of the pieces that come with this set, but they will fit what they can, store what they cannot.  Here is a photo, I hope, if I can figure out how to do this... I could not find a photo in red because, as I said it is discontinued. Also, this is only 5 pieces-- I think they have more pieces than that.. maybe 6 or 7.. Anyway, the color scheme for the living room will be ... COLORFUL!  red, bright yellow, sort of a parakeet green, and turquoise.. and orange.  This little color scheme came from some gorgeous bowls purchased from Anthropologie in a sort of melange of vibrant colors.  The girls decided to use Fiesta ware in various colors with the bowls.. many of the colors listed below.  Hence, the vibrant scheme.

Milanese 5 Pc Modular Brown Pit Sectional


  1. Ah! You started your own blog, how wonderful!!! Let me know if you need any tips or have any questions! I'm not an expert, but I have figured a few things out.... Love that they are getting a red sectional....and getting the floor model is definitely the way to go!

  2. Wow Evie, I just told you about it! Looks like you discovered it earlier this afternoon. Well you were the inspiration! Your blog is wonderful and it looks as though there is nothing you can't do or are not interested in!!! so, thanks for the grand nudge!!!
