Sunday, January 23, 2011

All About Men.. Do's and Don't of Fashion..

A young friend of mine pointed out that there seems to be a bit of a void when it comes to men's fashion.  So I sent him a few links I had found.  But first, a word about fashion "don't's" for men.  I could include dozens, but will only share a few..

I am vehement about these.. not that anyone cares what I am vehement about...

1. Flat brim hats.  The photo below sort of says it all. I mean, who would intentionally try to look like a hick?  And when I say "hick" I am using the nicest word that I can come up with.  And turning these chapeaus backward does not improve them at all.  And what's with the perching the hat way up on top of the head? I mean.. "oh lawd" as they say here in NC.

2. Backpacks and suits, sport coats, or other business attire.   Really?  Along this same line is a certain reporter for the N and O years ago who hung around the legislature.  Really NICE guy but he would wear a short Patagonia style jacket squeezed on OVER his sport coat and khakis. This made his sport coat bunch all up and gather like a little skirt peeking out from under his Patagonia.  Really? If you gotta wear an over coat (only because it's really cold) then wear a nice trench or a black or camel wool or cashmere overcoat, long, please. Since the reporter is not around to have his photo taken, here is the DO photo...Note that this gentleman is NOT carrying a backpack.  An alternative to his cool little satchel is a very nice messenger bag..

from the Sartorialist

from Tontojacks

Centre Commercal in Marseille, but I
am sure there is a reasonable
facsimile at J Crew 

If you want a nice overcoat for more casual wear, try the toggle coat.  Just pair it with a turtleneck or crew neck sweater or a button down shirt or even a plaid flannel shirt.  NOT dressy apparel.. 

Now I LOVE the Sartorialist, but he is showing some rather funky outerwear in a recent blog post.. one photo comes dangerously close to lumberjack meets aforementioned hick.. but you decide.. 
Hick or Hip... ahhhh
This is a little more to my liking... 

Again, from the Sartorialist.  Love the shoes AND the socks, AND the pants
ANd the jacket AND the scarf.
All this dude needs to do is reduce the beard to scruff.. 
Some other cool men't looks..

So, Back to some of those men's fashion blogs we were looking for to pass on to my younf male fashionista friend.  Here are a few.  Oh, and I barely scraped the surface on the DON'Ts. Maybe another day..


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