Saturday, October 2, 2010

French Bistro Chairs

I love French Bistro chairs!  However, I will not buy them until I have a cute little teeny kitchen-y table that seats only 2-4.  They cost around $400 apiece, and with our 10'x 48" dining table, the cost would be ridiculous as we would need like at least 10.  What appears to be the finest, most authentic manufacturer, and these are all made by hand, is Maison Gatti.  There is a store in NYC, but the "original" is in France, of course. The company has been making them since 1920.  Apparently there is a difference between cafe chairs and bistro chairs.. I think the cafe chairs are simpler, intended for outdoor use, and appear more like a folding chair, with a simple slat back. These elaborate little numbers come in every imaginable color combination.

They also have a lovely banquette. 

Aren't they beautiful?  I found another site, which seems to feature more armless chairs.  It is to the trade onl, which is a bummer, and I imagine they sell to restaurants, etc. Here are some of their chairs.  I have no idea what they cost.. SO for the near future, not me.  But maybe a barstoool.. or two.. when I have a bar... 

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